Saturday, March 8, 2008

An Interesting Question...

During the spiritual discussions in the temple on the night of Maha Shivarathri, there was an interesting yet complex question that came up! "If God's will decides everything, why is it that he created me with the desire for money, making me stay in US far from my homeland and my people? If I'm not responsible for what I'm doing, can I do all sorts of bad deeds and call God as the person responsible for all that?" Since this question came up around 4 AM, not many were in a mood to answer it seriously and the question ended with a humorous answer - "I'll surely ask this when I see God!"

But a bit of thought would reveal that everyone has this question deep within. In my view, there are two parts to this question - (a) Why did God create me this way (b) Should I assume responsibility for my deeds?

The answer to part (a) is that God has His own reasons. For instance, Hinduism came back to the west through us. Now Westerners are aware of another religion called Hinduism and its great traditions. Any good thing happens only by the sacrifice of something else - physical or emotional.

Part (b) is a bit tricky. In my view, God (the paramathma) leads you through the soul (Jeevathma) in you and He has provided you with the best of gifts - Reason a.k.a the sixth sense. When the sixth sense is applied and decisions are made to the best of your interests, then even if the act results in a disaster, we cannot assume responsibility for that. But if you are denying the use of Him in you, then you are going against the will of the Lord and like a mother watching her child play around in her vicinity, God watches our activities and marks his presence somewhere to make us realize the mistake that we did!

I answered his question at least to an extent that I'm convinced... But I have a question and I'm not sure who will answer it - "Why did Lord get into the concept of creation? Why should he create the world and the universe and let the lives in there analyze the reason for their lives and search for Him? Is He afraid of loneliness? Does He want followers? Does He need some proof to prove his powers?". Will someone answer?!


Unknown said...

The concept of creation is explained in several Upanishats and Brahma sutra. In Adi shankara's commentary on Brahma Sutra Bhashya he gives the explanation of the aphorism "LOKASYA LEELA KAIVALYAM' he writes it is his play. Mere chess game. You cannot get the answer to that. You can only do the tharka.

For your second question, if you think of jivatma, he creates so many thoughts in his mind and lives and dies with it and carries to the next janma as vasanas. why does he create? It is his choice.

To the 3, 4, and 5th question. In Brihadaranyaka Upanishat it is said in the beginning of the creation there was only brahma vastu. He got the thought of "I". Then he he feared loneliness and said to himself he is going to become many. Then he entered each one of them and started the creation and produced the world and the universe as his own projection.

These kind of questions need to be discussed and I cannot write everything here. So we can have one day discussion on this at length.

Agni said...

True Mrs. Indira. Most of His plans and most of His creations are a mystery and that is why we call Him supreme! However, that couldn't resist the questions that came into me! :)

Lakshminarayanan S said...

I cannot quote any examples from Upanishads or the works of Rishis as I haven't read any of them :) But my answer to your questions would be
1) God created me this way because if everyone is alike, life will suck to the core...right from the reka, vocal pitch to the retina everything is unique to everyone...including the way of thinking...most of the people are bound to be selfish and material minded in Kali Yuga. That is how its supposed to be, that is how it is and that is how it will be...

2) Yes. I have to assume the responsibility for all my deeds irrespective of whether it is good or bad...God just creates situations and watches us who thinks Good, speaks Good and does Good, reacts in a Good manner and continues to be who is not able to control his desires and commits sins fails in the tests conducted by Him...its not good saying 'Sarvam Krishnarpanamasthu' after doing something which is considered to be bad...

my answers might look juvenile...but I just written down whatever I felt...

Agni said...

Maappu... my first question was not why God created a wide variety of people. It was rather a question on why God went into the act of creation to begin with!

The second point that you said can be counteracted in a lot of ways! The most possible reasoning would be He is the kartha and you are just acting as per his will. So how can you call some deed that you did as your own deed! This is what Krishna asks Arjuna in Bhagavath Geetha! So that was a tricky question indeed!

Lakshminarayanan S said...

I was answering that person's questions not your questions :)

Second question is indeed a tricky question...but my answer is just what I felt...if God will assume the responsibility for all our activities, nobody will do good things (mind it, we are in Kali yuga)...thats why I strongly believe all the situations we face are the tests conducted by we pass only gives us punyam or paabam...